Batterson, author of Wild Goose Chase and In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, will lead you on a journey of primal proportions. This book is not a "feel good" book with a simple message; Primal will challenge you to "go underground, below your actions to your motivations." Mr. Batterson forces you to answer uncomfortable questions, and he dares you to move back to your first love.
Mr. Batterson digs deep into each of these cornerstones of the Great Commandment - love, intimacy, knowledge and power. His brutal honesty about his trek into the catacombs of his soul can be used to guide you into a deeper walk with Christ.
Do you remember your primal feelings when you first came to know you were loved by Christ? Mr. Batterson knows how easily lost you can become in the busyness of today's Christian culture. He describes himself as a "paid professional Christian" before his primal awakening. In Primal, he gives excellent advice, issues life-changing challenges, and demonstrates God-given insight with one goal - "to take you back to that primal place - the place where loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is all that matters."
If "growing deeper with Christ" is on your New Year's resolution list, then Primal by Mark Batterson needs to be on your shopping list for tomorrow!
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