Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Am Becoming a Priest!

“You will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:6

In Exodus 19, Israel set up camp and Moses climbed up the mountain to God. By the way, aren’t you thankful we do not need to climb a mountain to find God? The Lord spoke to Moses and gave him these words to say to the people: “I’ve shown Myself to you in a very real way, saving you from bondage with evil. You have seen My awesome miracles in Egypt and beyond. There can be no doubt in your minds that I exist. Since you know I exist and you know that you are special to Me and you know that I love you, trust My commandments. Understand that these commandments are given for your own good and obey them. If you do this, you will become unique and different from others and they will know you are special to Me. When those people look to you and see that you are special, they will want to know why you are different. They will want to be special to Me too! You will take on the role of priests to them and carry Me forth that they may know Me as well” (Exodus 19: 3-6, summarized in my words).

These words written thousands of years ago can be applied to us as individual Christians as well as The Church in today’s world. I too have been saved from the bondage of evil and sin. I have witnessed many miracles, but even if I had not seen a single miracle of physical healing, the transformation in my heart is the biggest miracle of all! As a Christian, I am different from those people who have not yet decided to follow Christ. Not better, but different and unique. Those who see this difference in my Christ-like walk will want to know why I am different. Father has assigned me as His priest to share with others why I am transformed and let them know it can apply to them.

So why did Father designate me as a priest? When I think of the role of a priest, a few things come to mind. In reading through Exodus and Leviticus, I see what the priests’ job expectations are and what is required of me as Father’s priest.

1. The priest must be purified and cleansed from all sin.
2. The priest must be sanctified and made holy on a daily basis.
3. The priest must have the character of Christ in all aspects.
4. The priest must wear the exact garments designated by God.
5. The priest must sacrifice of material things
6. The priest must commit to loving and serving others.
7. The priest must be a mediator.
8. The priest must represent God before those who are not cleansed and sanctified.
9. The priest must represent those are not cleansed and sanctified before God.

The Old Testament Scripture was very specific about what priests should wear as their clothing. In the New Testament, I find Father’s specific list for me – the clothing I should wear as His priest in this world. Keep in mind that this list of armor Father provides me with is NOT defensive! It is offensive. If I put on armor, I am suiting up to go to war. I know the battle is here and I am preparing to fight. I will not be caught unawares by the enemy; rather I am prepared through this armor to hold steadfast and push back against enemy lines, causing the enemy to retreat.

Here is what I need to be a priest for Father and represent Him to those who need Him:

1. Truth
2. Righteousness
3. Knowledge of the Word
4. Faith
5. Salvation
6. The Word
7. Prayer and petition at all times
8. Full of the Spirit

Isn’t that just like my loving Father, to give me a job position in His kingdom, spell out the job description, and give me the tools I need to fulfill the job?

Oh, yes, one more thing… this isn’t a singular role. He asks all Christians to be His priests throughout His kingdom! Are you adequately prepared to be a priest for those around you who don’t know Father? If you are living as a priest, they will approach you and ask what is different. Do you have your armor on? Are you spending times in the Word each day? Do you speak the truth in all situations? Does Father’s righteousness pour out of you consistently? Do you have faith – the willingness to see the potential for someone even if it isn’t reality?

Tough questions to ask, I know, but if Father wants us to be His priest, then we need to know His expectations for the job and be working hard on following them each day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jody,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today. As I was reading your post, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of your heart. You have forgiven what many would say is unforgiveable, and you have taken your pain and heartache and turned it for your good and God's glory. Your husband, your children, your children's children, and every life you ever touch will never be the same because of your story of forgiveness. Thank you for sharing it!! I pray God will continue to bless your marriage and restore the years the locust stole, and I pray He will continue to use you both to bring hope and healing to many other marriages suffering in this addiction.


