I love to write and Father gives me many things to say in my blog. Today, however, I am going to post with permission an article written by Louie E. Bustle, Global Mission Director, Church of the Nazarene.
"I'm not perfect; just forgiven." It was once a popular slogan, a hip phrase for refrigerator magnets and bumper stickers. It sounded so humble and good. But was it? Was it merely an introduction to twenty-first century relativity, where anything goes and all will be forgiven someday?
Christian leaders are forced into an arena where the mention of holiness is often accompanied by the wink of an eye. And outright skepticism accompanies the word "perfect." After all, are we not to fill our auditoriums with "happy campers" - at the cost of biblical preaching?
Final answer: No.
God called His people to holiness, and He has called His preachers to proclaim that message in the power of the Holy Spirit. The calling hasn't changed. God calls us to be holy and to be in a right relationship with Him and with others.
The holiness message has always been needed, but perhaps never more so than today. This is an age of "live-ins" and "sell-outs," a time when our young are seeking a moral compass. Of course the church must be relevant, but at what price? In an age of "branding," our brand should always be Christ-likeness with a surrendered and obedient heart that is free from the tangles of sin.
Jesus died to give us more than forgiveness. He embraced the cross so that we might "participate in the divine nature" (2 Peter 1:4) and "be holy because [he] is holy" (1 Peter 1:16).
Holiness Summits are springing up all over the world. The reports on these holiness conferences give us hope that God is moving among Wesleyan leaders to reclaim the message of heart holiness.
Finally, the preaching and teaching of holiness is absolutely vital to today's evangelism. A holy heart is the way to personal peace, daily empowerment, and the fulfillment of relationships. Those who minister must share this life-changing message. Holiness is God's requirement and provision. That can never be rated too highly.
- Louie E. Bustle, Global Mission Director
Today in my Scripture reading, I started the book of Ruth in the Old Testament. In the prologue to Ruth, she is described as follows: "She strikingly exemplifies the truth that participation in the coming kingdom of God is decided, not by blood and birth, but by the conformity of one's life to the will of God through the "obedience of faith" (NASB). What a testimony for a foreigner drafted into the genealogy of Christ! This "obedience of faith" is part of holiness we are to live as Christians drafted into Father's kingdom.
May today be a day of recognizing Father's love for you, and living in the "obedience of faith" He desires from you. IT IS POSSIBLE to live a perfect, holy day in Christ!